Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
Text File
1,142 lines
║ ║
║ Radio Station Call Letter Origins ║
║ Seventh Release: 7 June 1992 ║
║ ║
by Bob Nelson
Dallas, Texas
CompuServe: 72647,3332
Voice Mail TM/Century Programming
(214) 448-0043
FAX TM/Century Programming
(214) 448-0065
This release of Radio Call Letter Origins has grown to include over 600
radio station call letters and the significance of these call letters. In
most cases, the call letters are still currently being used on the AM band
in the city of license shown in the list. (Note: This does not preclude
several of the call letters being used on FM as well, eg., WOW(AM) and WOW-
FM in Omaha).
Although I realize that many call letters were simply assigned by the
government, it is fascinating to trace the story of a radio station by its
use of the call letters. For example, the random WBBM call letters
assigned to Ralph Atlass in Chicago presented an opportunity to promote his
station as the W)orld's B)est B)roadcast M)edium! Slogans were often
"forced" upon these assigned call letters by contests involving listeners.
As a result, Pittsburgh listeners heard that WJAS was the W)orld's
J)olliest A)erial S)tation! Across the state, there was Philly's WNAT:
"W)e N)ever A)re T)ired in Philadelphia." (I'm sure this slogan predated
W.C. Fields).
Occasionally, radio stations were just plain confounded by their call
letters---yet they still needed a slogan! A few of the more humorous ones
are included in Tom Kneitel's "Radio Station Treasury 1900-1946." San
Diego's legendary KGB was touted in December 1931 as the station providing
"Music for the Sick." Then there's KGBZ (once in York, NE) known as "The
Swine and Poultry Station."
Much of what you see here is based upon the knowledge of associates
currently in the broadcast industry (plus those who have moved on to the
academic field) as well as special contributors.
These CompuServe Broadcast Professionals Forum Members,
RIME Broadcast Conference Participants and others:
Dan Beach Ron Lavalee
Mark Bending Leslie Pearson
Paul Bogrow Robert Schaffrath
Julian Breen Jacob Schanker
Rich Eagles Pat Shirley
Fred Ennis Joshua Trupin
John Hora Fred Vobbe
Alan Lane Ray Zoller
Mike Callahan, Chief Engineer: KIIS AM/FM, Los Angeles
Hoyt Carter, Operations Manager: WNAH, Nashville
Wyatt Cox and Herb Kraft: WTKN, Daleville (Dothan), AL
Gary Diamond, Chief Engineer: KKOB AM/FM, Albuquerque
Randy Dietterich, Chief Engineer: WAMO, Pittsburgh
Ed Dravecky, Tech Support Service: TM Century, Dallas
George Hart, Operations Manager: KONO/KSRR, San Antonio
Dr. Herbert Howard, Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies:
College of Communications
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Roy Humpfrey, Chief Engineer: WLTJ(FM), Pittsburgh
Stuart McRae, Vice President: Century 21 Programming, Dallas
Harry Milkman, Amateur Radio Operator: N2KIH
Sam Milkman, Promotion Director: WEGX(FM), Philadelphia
Chuck Mohnkern, Co-Owner: Mohnkern Electronics, Terrell, Texas
Jerry Noble, Corporate PD: Martz Communications, Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Dr. Robert M. Ogles, Assistant Professor:
Department of Communication
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Greg Perich, President: WJXR, Inc., Jacksonville, FL
Jim Seaman: WFAN, New York
Doug Smith: WSMV(TV), Nashville
Several publications have been valuable, including Tom Kneitel's
"Radio Station Treasury 1900-1946" published in 1986 by CRB Research, Post
Office Box 56, Commack, New York 11725. Likewise, a several periodicals
from the National Radio Club have been most helpful. Another important
primary source has been "Radio Broadcast Stations in the United States"
published January 1, 1932 by the Federal Radio Commission, precursor to the
Origins Release 7: Page 2
I'm hoping that I can add your name to those acknowledged above. With
your help, this list can grow. If you are aware of the meaning lurking
behind call letters in your region (or perhaps other parts of the
country), please contact me via CompuServe or call between 1 PM-6 PM,
Central at TM/Century in Dallas. Since much of this data is based
upon oral history (and in some cases, hearsay), don't hesitate to point
out errors!
Notes: 1). The list is arranged alphabetically in order of call letters.
2). Ownership information is not necessarily current, instead it
is based upon ownership at the time of the grant of the call
┌─────────────────────────────── K E Y ────────────────────────────────┐
│ │
│ Calls: Call Letters (All are AM unless otherwise noted) │
│ City of License: Current City of License as of this document's date │
│ │
│ *: Origin of Call Letters │
│ │
│ E-Euphony (Sound of Call Letters, perhaps spelling a word) │
│ F-Frequency (Call Letters related in some way to dial position │
│ O-Ownership Related (Initials or Name of Original Licensee) │
│ L-Location Related (Pertaining to Geographic Feature, Region or City) │
│ S-Slogan (Promotional Phrase, usually reflecting Licensee) │
│ │
│ Explanation/Notes: Highlights Relationship to Call Letters │
│ For instance, WCFL (once in Chicago) would be │
│ highlighted as: C)hicago F)ederation of L)abor │
│ to clarify "CFL" in the callsign. │
│ [Brackets indicate additional │
│ historic facts dealing with the │
│ call letters or station]. │
│ │
│ │
Calls City of License * Explanation/Notes
───── ─────────────── ─ ──────────────────
CBM Montreal, QE O C)anadian B)roadcasting M)ontreal
CFRB Toronto, ON O R)ogers B)atteryless
[Radio Receiver Manufacturer]
CFTR Toronto, ON O T)ed R)ogers
[see CFRB-Roger's Batteryless]
CHAM Hamilton, ON L H)a)m)ilton, ON
CHAT Medicine Hat, AB L Medicine H)a)t)
CHEZ Ottawa, ON E CHEZ=French 'home of'
CHNS Halifax NS L H)alifax, N)ova S)cotia
Origins Release 7: Page 3
CHUM Toronto, ON E CHUM=chum
CHYR Leamington, ON E CHYR="Cheer"
CIOO(FM) Halifax, NS E C=SEA IOO=100.1 mHz
CITE Montreal, QE E CITE=French, "City"
HCJB(SW) Quito, Ecuador S H)eralding C)hrist J)esus' B)lessings
[in Spanish] H)oy C)hristo J)esus
KABC Los Angeles, CA O A)merican B)roadcasting C)ompany
KABL Oakland, CA E KABL=Cable
KAGG Bryan, TX S A)g)g)ies
(Texas A&M city)
KAPE Cape Girardeau, MO E KAPE=Cape
KARN Little Rock, AR O A)rkansas R)adio N)etwork
KASU(FM) Jonesboro, AR O A)rkansas S)tate U)niversity
KBAY(FM) San Jose, CA L San Francisco B)a)y) Area
KBCO Boulder, CO L B)oulder, C)O)
KBLX Berkeley, CA E BLX="Black's"
KBMR Bismark, ND L B)ismark-M)andan R)adio
KBOB(FM) West Covina, CA O B)o)b) Burdette Investments
KBOI Boise, ID L Boi)se, Idaho
KBPS Portland, OR O B)enson P)olytechnic S)chool
KBST Big Spring, TX L B)ig S)pring, T)exas
KBTM Jonesboro, AR O B)eard's T)emple of M)usic
[Originally licensed to Paragould]
KCBS San Francisco, CA O C)B)S), Inc.
KCCV Independence, MO S K)ansas C)ity's C)hristian V)oice
KCLE Cleburne, TX L C)l)e)burne, TX
KCOH Houston, TX O C)all O)f H)ouston
KCRG Cedar Rapids, IA O C)edar R)apids G)azette
KCRO Omaha, NE S C)hristian R)adio O)maha
KDCK Dodge City, KS L D)odge C)ity, K)ansas
KDES Palm Springs, CA L D)e)s)erts adjoining Palm Springs
KDLR Devils Lake, ND L D)evils L)ake R)adio
KDRO Sedalia, MO O D)r)o)lich Brothers
KDRY Alamo Heights, TX O Dry
[Owner was promoting abstinence from
KDTH Dubuque, IA O D)ubuque T)elegraph-H)erald
KECA Los Angeles, CA O E)arl C) A)nthony
[had both KECA and KFI] now KABC
KELD El Dorado, AR L E)l) D)orado, AR
KERN Bakersfield, CA L K)e)r)n) County, CA
KFAC Los Angeles, CA O F)uller A)uburn C)ord
[car dealer in 1930's] [calls now used in
Santa Barbara]
KFAY Fayetteville, AR L F)a)y)etteville, AR
KFBC Cheyenne, WY O F)rontier B)roadcasting C)ompany
KFBI Wichita, KS O F)armers and B)ankers I)nsurance
[KFDI, originally licensed to Milford]
Origins Release 7: Page 4
KFGO Fargo, ND L F)arg)o), ND
KFH Wichita, KS S K)ansas's F)inest H)hotel
[Hotel Lassen]
KFI Los Angeles, CA S F)armer's I)nformation Station
KFIA Carmichael, CA S F)aith I)n A)merica
KFKU Lawrence, KS O K)ansas U)niversity
KFLG Flagstaff, AZ L F)l)ag)staff, AZ
KFNF Shenadoah, IA S K)nown F)or N)eighborly F)olks
now KYFR
KFOG San Francisco, CA L San Francisco: F)o)g) City
KFRC San Francisco, CA S K)eep F)orver R)adiating C)heer
KFRE Fresno, CA L F)r)e)sno, CA
KFRM Salina, KS S F)ar)m) Radio
KFSG Los Angeles, CA O F)ours)quare G)ospel Church
now KIIS [formerly KPRZ and KRKD]
KFSG(FM) Los Angeles, CA O F)ours)quare G)ospel Church
KFWB Los Angeles, CA O W)arner B)rothers Broadcasting
KGB-FM San Diego, CA S G)et B)etter
(see Music for the Sick)
KGEM Boise, ID L G)e)m) State
[Idaho's Slogan]
KGFJ Los Angeles, CA S K)eeping G)ood F)olks J)oyful
KGLA Gretna, LA L G)retna, LA)
KGLO Mason City, IA O G)l)o)be-Gazzette
KGMO(FM) Cape Girardeau, MO L Cape G)irardeau, M)O)
KGO San Francisco, CA O G)eneral Electric-San FranciscO)
KGW Portland, OR S K)eep G)rowing W)iser
KHJ Los Angeles, CA S K)indness H)appiness J)oy
now KKHJ fomerly KRTH(AM)
KHLO Hilo, HI L H)il)o), HI
KHOG Fayetteville, AR L H)o)g)s
[Home of Arkansas Razorbacks]
KIAK Fairbanks, AL E KIAK=Kayak
KICY Nome, AL E ICY=Brrrrr!
KID Idaho Falls, ID L Id)aho Falls, Idaho
KING Seattle, WA L King) County, WA
KIOA Des Moines, IA L I)o)wa)
KIOI(FM) San Francisco, CA F IOI=101
[101.3 mHz]
KJAZ(FM) Alameda, CA E JAZ=Jazz
[Station's format]
KJBR(FM) Jonesboro, AR L J)onesb)or)o
KJIA Sioux Falls, SD S K)ing J)esus I)s A)live
KJIN Houma, LA E KJIN=Cajun
KJIN Houma, LA E KJIN=Cajun
KKSU Manhattan, KS O K)ansas S)tate U)niversity
KLAC Los Angeles, CA L L)os A)ngeles, C)alifornia
KLAS(FM) Mandeville, JA S K)eeping L)isteners A)ware in S)tyle
KLBJ Austin, TX O L)yndon B)aines J)ohnson
[Former Owner]
KLCL Lake Charles, LA L L)ake C)harles, L)ouisiana
Origins Release 7: Page 5
KLIT Los Angeles, CA S L)i)t)e Rock"
KLOL(FM) Houston, TX F LOL=101
[101.1 mHz]
KLRA Little Rock, AR L L)ittle R)ock, A)rkansas
now KBIS, calls used in England, AR
KLSX Los Angeles, CA S K)las)six) Rock
KLUA Kailua, HI L Kail)u)a), HI
KLVI Beaumont, TX F LVI=56
[Roman Numeral Reference to 560 kHz
KMA Shenadoah, IA O Ma)y Seed and Nursery Company
KMAX(FM) Arcadia, CA O M)a)x) Isoward
KMBC Kansas City, MO O M)idland B)roadcating C)ompany
now KMBZ
KMBI Spokane, WA O M)oody B)ible I)nstitute
[See WMBI Chicago]
KMGC Dallas, TX E M)ag)ic)
KMLB Monroe, LA O M)onroe L)iners B)roadcasting
KMMJ Grand Island,N O The M). M). J)ohnson Co.
KMON Great Falls, MT L M)o)n)tana
KNBR San Francisco, CA O N)ational B)roadcasting R)adio
KNGS Hanford, CA L K)in)g)s) County, CA
KNIX(FM) Phoenix, AZ L Phoen)i)x), AZ
KNOE Monroe, LA O James A. N)o)e)
KNOM Nome, AK L N)o)m)e, AK
KOAC Corvallis, OR O O)regon A)gricultural C)ollege
KOCA Kilgore, TX O O)il C)apital Broadcasting A)ssocation
KOEL Oelwein, IA L O)e)l)wein, IA
KOIL Omaha, NE O Mona Motor Oil) Co.
KOIT San Francisco E KOIT=Coit
[Tower, landmark of city]
KOLM Rochester, MN L O)l)m)stead County
KOMA Oklahoma City, Ok L O)klaho)m)a) City, OK
KORG Orange, CA L Or)ang)e County
KORL Honolulu, HI E KORL=Coral
KORN Mitchell, SD E Corn Palace in Mitchell
KOTN Pine Bluff, AR E KOTN=Cotton
[Major crop in area]
KOWH Omaha, NE O O)maha W)orld-H)erald
[Newspaper] now KCRO
KPBC Garland, TX O P)ercy B). C)rawford
KPCC(FM) Pasadena, CA O P)asadena C)ity C)ollege
KPEL Lafayette, LA S P)e)l)ican
[Louisiana=Pelican State]
KPMC Bakersfield, CA O P)ioneer M)ercantile C)ompany
KPOF Denver, CO O P)illar O)f F)ire Ministries
KPOL Los Angeles, CA O John P)oo)L)e Broadcasting
now KZLA(AM)
KPPC Pasadena, CA O P)asadena P)resbyterian C)hurch
[Former Owner]
KPRC Houston, TX O P)ost R)adio C)ompany
Origins Release 7: Page 6
KQAK Eugene, OR E QAK=Quack
[Oregon Ducks]
KQV Pittsburgh, PA S K)ing of the Q)uaker V)alley
KQW San Jose, CA S K)ing's Q)uickening W)ord
[KCBS-San Francisco, Charles Herrold's
Pioneer Station]
KRBC Abilene, TX O R)eporter B)roadcasting C)ompany
[Newspaper] now KFQX
KRDU Dinuba, CA L R)adio D)inu)ba
KRFO Owatonna, MN L R)adio F)rom O)watonna
KRGI Grand Island, NE S R)adio G)rand I)sland
KRGV Weslaco, TX L R)io G)rande V)alley
now KRGE
KRKD Los Angeles, CA E RKD=Arcade Spring Street Arcade
original location
KRLA Pasadena, CA L R)adio L)os A)ngeles
KRLD Dallas, TX O R)adio L)abs of D)allas
KRMD Shreveport, LA O R)obert M). D)ean
KRMG Tulsa, OK O K)er)r-M)cG)ee Oil Company
KRML Carmel, CA E KRML=Carmel
KROD El Paso, TX O Dorrence D. R)o)d)erick
KROK DeRidder, LA E KROK ROK=Crocodile Rock
KROQ(FM) Pasadena, CA E ROQ=Rock
KROY Sacramento, CA O R)o)y)al Miller
[now KSAC although the FM maintains the
KRRV Sherman, TX L R)ed R)iver V)alley
now KBLN
KRSC Seattle, WA O R)adio S)ales C)orporation
now KEZX(AM)
KRTR(FM) Kailua, HI E KRTR="Crater"
KRVN Lexington, NE S R)ural V)oice of N)ebraska
KRYS Corpus Christi, TX L KRYS=Christi
KRZN Englewood, CO E KRZN="Crusin'"
[Oldies Format]
KSAC Manhattan, KS O K)ansas S)tate A)gricultural C)ollege
KSAM Huntsville, TX S S)a)m) Houston
[Texas Historical Figure]
KSD St. Louis, MO O S)t. Louis Post-D)ispatch
[Newspaper] now KUSA
KSDO San Diego, CA L S)an D)iego), CA
KSEO Durant, OK L S)outhe)astern O)klahoma
KSFI(FM) Salt Lake City, UT O S)immons F)amily, I)nc.
KSFO San Francisco, CA L S)an F)rancisco), CA
KSGB University Park, TX O S)tuart G)aines B)roadcasting
KSIV St. Louis, MO S S)t. Louis I)nspirational V)oice
KSJO(FM) San Jose, CA L S)an J)o)se, CA
KSL Salt Lake City, UT L S)alt L)ake City, Utah
KSLR San Antonio, TX S S)on L)ight R)adio
[Light of Jesus]
Origins Release 7: Page 7
KSNO Aspen, CO L Sno)w
[Ski Area]
KSO Des Moines, IA S K)eep S)erving O)thers
now KGGO(AM)
KSOO Souix Falls, SD E SOO=Souix
KSSN(FM) Little Rock, AR E KSSN="Kissin'"
KSTP St. Paul, MN L St). P)aul, Minnesota
KSTV Stephenville, TX L St)ephenv)ille, TX
KSUB Cedar City, UT O S)outhern U)tah B)roadcasting Co.
KSWO Lawton, OK L S)outhw)estern O)klahoma
KTAL(FM) Texarkana, TX L T)exas A)rkansas L)ouisiana
KTAM Bryan, TX L T)exas A) & M)
[Located adjacent to University]
KTCU(FM) Ft. Worth, TX O T)exas C)hristian U)niversity
KTFI Twin Falls, ID L T)win F)alls, I)daho
KTHO S. Lake Tahoe, CA L T)ah)o)e
KTNN Window Rock, AZ O T)he N)avajo N)ation
[Owned by Indian Tribe]
KTRH Houston, TX O T)he R)ice H)otel
KTWN(FM) Texarkana, TX L TWN=Twin Cities of Texarkana, AR and TX
KTYL(FM) Tyler, TX L T)y)l)er, TX
KUAM Agana, Guam L Gu)a)m)
KUAT Tucson, AZ O U)niversity of A)rizona, T)ucson
KUNM(FM) Albuquerque, NM O U)university of N)ew M)exico
KUOM Minneapolis, MN O U)niversity O)f M)innesota
KUSC(FM) Los Angeles, CA O U)niversity of S)outhern C)alifornia
KUSD Vermillion, SD O U)niversity of S)outh D)akota
KUT(FM) Austin, TX O U)niversity of T)exas
Originally on AM in 1920's
KUUY Cheyenne, WY E UUY="Double U Y"
KVFD Ft. Dodge, IA L V)oice of F)t. D)odge
KVGB Great Bend, KS L V)oice of G)reat B)end, NE
KVLY(FM) Edinburg, TX L Rio Grande V)al)ley)
KVOA Tuscon, AZ S V)oice O)f A)rizona
now KIIM(AM) [formerly KCUB]
KVOD(FM) Denver, CO S V)oice O)f D)enver
now KHOW, calls in use on FM
KVON Napa, CA S V)oice O)f N)apa
KVOO Tulsa, OK S V)oice o)f O)klahoma
KVOR Colorado Spring, CO S V)oice O)f the R)ockies
KVSO Ardmore, OK S V)oice of S)outhern O)klahoma
KWAK Stuttgart, AR E KWAK=Quack
[Area noted for ducks]
KWAV Monterey, CA E WAV=Wave
[Coastal Location]
KWFT Wichita Falls, TX L W)ichita F)alls, T)exas
KWKH Shreveport, LA O W). K). H)enderson
KWLC Decorah, IA O L)uther C)ollege
KWLO Waterloo, IA L W)aterl)o)o, IA
KWNE(FM) Ukiah, CA E WNE=Wine {Country of California]
KWSC Pullman, WA O W)ashington S)tate C)ollege
KWSU Pullman, WA O W)ashington S)tate U)niversity
Origins Release 7: Page 8
VOCM St. John's, NF S V)oice o)f the C)ommon M)an
VOCM St. John's NF S V)oice o)f the C)ommon M)an
WABC New York, NY O A)merican B)roadcasting C)ompany
WABC New York, NY O A)tlantic B)roadcasting C)ompany
now WCBS
WABS Arlington, VA S W)ashington A)rea B)ible S)tation
WACO Waco, TX L Waco), Texas
WADN(FM) Concord, MA L W)a)ld)en
[near Walden Pond]
WAEB Allentown, PA L A)llentown E)aston B)ethelehem
WAHR(FM) Huntsville, AL O A)rnold H)ornbuckle R)ecords
WAIR Atlanta, MI E on the A)I)R)
WAJR Morgantown, WV O A)gnes J). R)eeves
WAKR Akron, OH L A)k)r)on
WALX(FM) Selma, AL O A)l)ex)ander Broadcasting
WAMO Pittsburgh, PA L A)llegheny M)onogahela O)hio
[Three Rivers converge in Pittsburgh]
WAPI Birmingham, AL O A)labama P)olytechnic I)nstitute
WAPP(FM) New York, NY S Big A)p)p)le
WARA Attleboro, MA L A)ttleboro R)adio A)ssociates
WARE Ware, MA L Ware), MA
WATR Waterbury, CT L W)a)t)er)bury, CT
WAVA(FM) Arlington, VA L A)rlington, V)irginia)
WBAL Baltimore, MD L Bal)timore, Maryland
WBAP Ft. Worth, TX S W)e B)ring A) P)rogram
WBBM Chicago, IL S W)e B)roadcast B)etter M)usic
WBCM Bay City, MI L B)ay C)ity, M)ichigan
WBCN Boston, MA O B)oston C)oncert N)etwork
WBEN Buffalo, NY O B)uffalo E)vening N)ews
WBFG(FM) Detroit, MI S W)e B)roadcast F)or G)od
now WLLZ(FM)
WBGA Brunswick, GA L B)runswick, G)A)
WBGN Bowling Green, KY L B)owling G)reen), KY
WBHP Huntsville, AL O B)ill H). P)ollard
WBIR Knoxville, TN O John B)i)r)dwell
now WIMZ
WBKW Beckley, WV L BKW=Airport Designation for Beckley, WV
WBLK Buffalo, NY E BLK=Black
(Urban format)
WBMB West Branch, MI L W)est B)ranch M)ichigan's B)est
WBMI West Branch, MI L W)est B)ranch M)I)chigan
WBNS Columbus, OH O W)olfe B)ank N)ewspaper and S)hoes
WBNZ Benzonia, MI L B)eN)Z)ie County
WBOS(FM) Boston, MA L B)o)s)ton
WBOW Terre Haute, IN S B)anks O)f W)abash River
WBPV(FM) Charlton, MA O B)ay P)ath V)ocational High School
WBRK Pittsfield, MA L B)er)k)shire Mountains
WBRU(FM) Providence, RI O BR)own U)niversity
WBT Charlotte, NC S W)orld's B)est T)extiles
WBUR(FM) Boston, MA O B)oston U)niversity R)adio
Origins Release 7: Page 9
WBUT Butler, PA L B)u)t)ler, PA
[see WLER]
WCAE Pittsburgh, PA S W)e C)an A)lways E)ntertain
now WTAE
WCBE-FM Columbus, OH L C)olumbus B)oard of E)ducation
WCBI Columbus, MS O C)olumbus B)irney I)mes
WCBS New York, NY O C)olumbia B)roadcasting S)ystem
WCBY Cheboygan, MI L C)heB)oY)gan, MI
WCCO Minneapolis, MN O W)ashburn C)rosby Milling Co)mpany
WCCW Traverse City L C)herry C)apital
WCEN Mt. Pleasant, L C)E)N)tral Michigan
WCEV Cicero, IL S C)hicagoland's E)thnic V)oice
WCGY(FM) Lawrence, MA O C)urt G)owdy)
WCHV Charlottesville, VA L Ch)arlottesv)ille, VA
WCIL Carbondale, IL L C)arbondale, I)l)linois
WCIR(FM) Beckley, WV S C)hrist I)n R)adio
WCKY Cincinnati, OH L C)ovington, K)entuckY)
[Original City]
WCLE Clevland, TN L C)l)e)veland, TN
WCLV Cleveland, OH L C)l)ev)eland
WCMF(FM) Rochester, NY O C)ommunity M)usic F)M Service
WCMQ Miami, FL E CMQ=Callsign of popular Havana station
WCMU Mt. Pleasant, O C)entral M)ichigan U)niversity
WCOA Pensacola, FL S W)onderful C)ity O)f A)dvantages
WCOD Hyannis, MA L Cape C)o)d), MA
WCOP Boston, MA O C)o)p)ley Nroadcasting Co.
now WMEX
WCRB(FM) Boston, MA O C)harles R)iver B)roadcasting
WCRW Chicago, IL O C)linton R). W)hite
WCSC Charleston, SC L C)harleston, S)outh C)arolina
WCTC New Brunswick, NJ O C)hant)ic)leer Broadcasting
[original owner]
WCVU(FM) Naples, FL E CVU="Sea View"
WCWA Toledo, OH E CWA=Seaway
[St. Lawrence Seaway]
WCXI Detroit, MI S C)ountry Eleven XI=11
[1130 kHz]
WDAC(FM) Lancaster, PA O D)onald A). C)rawford
WDAE Tampa, FL S W)onderful D)ays a)nd E)venings
WDBQ Dubuque, IA L D)ub)uq)ue, IA
WDCB Glen Ellyn, IL O D)uPage C)ommunity B)roadcasters
WDEL Wilmington, DE L Wilmington, Del)aware
WDGC(FM) Downers Grove, IL L D)owners G)rove C)ommunity
WDGY Minneapolis, MN O D)octor G)eorge Y)oung
WDIZ(FM) Orlando, FL E DIZ="Dis"ney World
WDKX(FM) Rochester, NY S D)ouglas K)ing Malcolm X)
[Black notables]
WDMJ Marquette, MI O M)ining J)ournal
WDMP Dodgeville, WI L D)odgeville-M)ineral P)oint
WDNC Durham, NC L D)urham, N)orth C)arolina
WDNT Dayton, TN L D)ayton), T)ennessee
WDOD Chattanooga, TN O D)ynamo O)f D)ixie
WDOD Chattanooga, TN S D)ynamo O)f D)ixie
Origins Release 7: Page 10
WDOR Sturgeon Bay, WI L D)o)or) County
WDOV Dover, DE L D)o)v)er, DE
WDOW Dowagiac, MI L D)O)W)agiac, MI
WDRC Hartford, CT O D)oolittle R)adio C)ompany
WDSM Superior, WI L D)uluth S)uperior M)innesota
WDXE Lawrenceburg, TN O D)ix)ie) Network
[Former Owner]
WDXI Jackson, TN O D)ix)i)e Network
[Former Owner]
WDXN Clarksville, TN O D)ix)ie N)etwork
[Former Owner]
WEBE(FM) Bridgeport, CT S WEBE=WeeBee
WEDC Chicago, IL O E)mil D)enemark C)ompany
WEEI Boston, MA O E)dison E)lectic I)lluminating
WEEX Easton, PA O E)aston E)x)press
WEGX(FM) Philadelphia, PA E EGX="Eagle"
WELI New Haven, CT S Eli) Yale University
WELO Tupelo, MI L Tupe)l)o), MS
WEMP Milwaukee, WI L E)m)p)ire Hotel
WEMU Ypsilanti,MI O E)astern M)ichigan U)niversity
WERI Westerly, RI L WE)sterly, R)hode I)sland
WERS(FM) Boston, MA O E)mer)s)on College
WESO Southbridge, MA L WE)bester-SO)outhbridge
WEST Easton, PA L E)as)t)on, PA
WEUC Ponce, PR O E)ducacion U)niversidad C)atolica
WEVD New York, NY O E)ugene V). D)ebs
WEXL Royal Oak, MI S W)e E)x)cel)l
WEZK(FM) Knoxville, TN S EZ) Listening, K)noxville
WFAA Dallas, TX S W)orking F)or A)ll A)like
now KLIF once at 1190 kHz, calls now in
use by TV [was KLDD and KRQX]
WFAN New York, NY S Sports F)a)n)
WFBC Greenville, SC O F)irst B)aptist C)hurch
[Once licensed to Knoxville, TX - moved to
WFBG Altoona, PA O W)illiam F). G)able Co.
WFCR-FM Amherst, MA S F)ive C)ollege R)adio
WFCV Ft. Wayne, IN S F)t. Wayne C)hristian V)oice
WFDF Flint, MI O F)rank D). F)allain
WFFG Marathon, FL S W)orld's F)inest F)ishing G)round
WFIA Louisville, KY S W)ith F)aith I)n A)merica
WFIA Lousiville, KY S F)aith I)n A)merica
WFLA Tampa, FL L Tampa, Fl)oridA)
WFLY(FM) Albany, NY O F)rank L)ord Y)ork
WFMD Frederick, MD L F)rederick, MD)
WFMJ Youngstown, OH O W)illiam F). M)aag, J)unior
WFNX(FM) Boston, MA E FNX=Phoenix
[Boston Phoenix Newspaper]
WFOR Hattiesburg, MS L F)o)r)rest County, MS
WFOY St. Augustine, FL S F)ountain O)f Y)outh
Origins Release 7: Page 11
WFPG Atlantic City, NJ S W)orld's F)amous P)layground
[now on FM, once was WPG at 1100 kHz]
WFTQ Worcester, MA F F)ourt)een Q)
[Frequency of 1440 kHz]
WFUR Grand Rapids, MI O F)u)r)niture City Broadcasting
WGAN Portland, ME O Guy G)a)n)nett Broadcasting
WGAR Cleveland, OH O G). A). R)ichards
WGAY(FM) Washington, DC O Connie B. G)a)y)
WGBF Evansville, IN O G). B). F)inke Furniture Co.
WGBH(FM) Boston, MA L Transmitter location on G)reat B)lue H)ill
WGCH Greenwich, CT L G)reenwic)h), CT
WGCI Chicago, IL O G)lobetrotter C)ommunications I)nc.
WGCM(FM) Gulfport, MS L G)ulf C)oast of M)ississippi
WGER Bay City, MI O G)e)r)ity Broadcasting
WGFM Cheboygan, MI S G)old F)M)
WGGA Gainesville, GA L G)ainesville, G)eorgia)
WGGG Gainesville, FL S W)atch G)reater G)ainesville G)row
WGH Newport News, VA S W)orld's G)reatest H)arbor
WGKA Atlanta, GA O G)lenk)a)ren Associates
WGL Ft. Wayne, IN S W)orld's G)reatest L)oudspeaker
WGLF(FM) Tallahassee, FL L G)ul)f) of Mexico
WGMS Bethesda, MD S W)ashington's G)ood M)usic S)tation
WGN Chicago, IL S W)orld's G)reatest N)ewspaper
WGNS Murfreesboro, TN S G)ood N)eighbor S)tation
WGOV Valdosta, GA O G)o)v)ernor E.D. Rivers
WGPR(FM) Detroit, MI O G)rosse P)ointe R)adio
WGRY Grayling,MI L G)R)aY)ling, MI
WGSM Huntington LI, NY S W)orld's G)reatest S)uburban M)arket
WGST Atlanta, GA O G)eorgia S)chool of T)echnology
WGTO Cypress Gardens, FL S G)ulf T)o O)cean
[50 kW at 540 kHz with big coverage]
WGY Schenectady, NY O G)eneral Electric, SchenectadY), New York
WHAI Greenfield, MA O John H)a)i)gis
WHAK Rogers City,MI O H)arvey A). K)lann
WHAR Clarksburg, WV L Har)rison County, WV
WHAV Haverhill, MA L H)a)v)erhill, MA
WHB Kansac City, MO S W)orld's H)appiest B)roadcaster
WHBF Rock Island, IL S W)here H)istoric B)lackhawk F)ought
WHCN Hartford, CT O H)artford C)oncert N)etwork
WHCN(FM) Hartford, CT O H)artford C)oncert N)etwork
WHCU Ithica, NY O C)ornell U)niversity
WHEC Rochester, NY O H)ickson E)lectric C)o
now WXXI [now used on TV channel 10]
WHIO Dayton, OH L Oh)i)o)
WHIS Bluefiled, WV O H)ugh I). S)hott
WHJB Greensburg, PA O H). J). B)rennan
[Former Owner]
WHLB Virginia, MN O H)ead of the L)akes B)roadcasting Co.
WHLI Hempstead LI, NY L H)empstead L)ong I)sland
WHMI Howell, MI L H)owell, M)I)chigan
WHON Centerville, IN S H)eart O)f N)ation
[once US geographic center]
Origins Release 7: Page 12
WHOP Hopkinsville, KY L H)o)p)kinsville, KY
WHRB(FM) Cambridge, MA O H)arvard R)adio B)roadcasting
WHRK(FM) Memphis, TN O H)arold R). K)relstein
[Former Plough Broadcasting Executive]
WHTZ Newark, NJ E HTZ=Hits
[known as Z100]
WHVK(FM) Tullahoma, TN S H)untsv)ille K)ountry
WIBC Indianapolis, IN O I)ndiana B)roadcasting C)ompany
WIBG Philadelphia, PA S I) B)elieve in G)od
[St. Paul's Church] now WZZD
WIBU Poynette, WI S W)ind I)s B)eing U)sed
[Was Wind Powered]
WIBW Topeka, KS S W)here I)nvestments B)ring W)ealth
WICC Bridgeport, CT S I)ndustrial C)enter of C)onneticut
WICO Salisbury, MD L W)i)c)o)mico County, MD
WILI Willimantic, CT L W)i)l)li)mantic, CT
WILL Urbana, IL L University of Ill)inois
WILM Wilmington, DE L W)i)l)m)ington, DE
WINS New York, NY O I)nternational N)ews S)ervice
[Hearst's Press Association]
WIOD Miami, FL S W)onderful I)sle of D)reams
WIOI Brunswick, GA F IOI=101
[100.7 mHz]
WIOQ(FM) Philadelphia, PA F IOQ=102
[102.1 mHz]
WIOS Tawas City, MI L I)O)S)co County
WIP Philadelphia, PA L W)ireless i)n P)hiladelphia
WJAC Johnstown, PA O J)ohnstown A)utomotive C)ompany
WJAS Pittsburgh, PA S W)orld's J)olliest A)erial S)tation
WJBK Detroit, MI S J)esus B)e K)ind
now WCZY(AM) [calls on TV channel 2]
WJCL(FM) Savannah, GA O J). C). L)ewis
WJFK Manassas, VA S J)ohn F)itzgerald K)ennedy
WJFM Grand Rapids, O J)ohn F)etzer, original owner
WJIB(FM) Boston, MA S JIB is a ship part
now WCDJ
WJIT New York, NY E JIT=Spanish, "Hit"
WJLB Detroit, MI O J)ohn L). B)ooth Broadcasting Co.
now WQBH
WJLB(FM) Detroit, MI O J)ohn L). B)ooth
WJLS(FM) Beckley, WV O J)oe L). S)mith
WJML Petoskey, MI O J)ohn, M)ichael, and L)inda Harrington
children of original owner (now WKLZ)
WJPC Chicago, IL O J)ohnson P)ublications C)ompany
WJR Detriot, MI O J)ewett R)adio & Phonograph Co.
WJRD Tuscaloosa, AL O J)ames R). D)oss, Jr.
WJW Cleveland, OH O J)ohn W)eimer
[Originally in Mansfield, then Akron, now
used on TV]
WJXR(FM) Maclenny, FL S J)ax)onville R)adio
WKAT Miami Beach, FL O Frank L. Kat)zentine
WKCI New Haven, CT O K)opps C)ommunications I)ncorporated
Origins Release 7: Page 13
WKCR New York, NY S K)ing's C)rown R)adio
(Columbia Univ logo)
WKJC Tawas City, MI O J)ohn C)arroll, owner
WKJF Cadillac, MI O J)ohn F)etzer, original owner
WKNY Kingston, NY L K)ingston, N)ew Y)ork
WKPT Kingsport, TN L K)ingsp)ort), TN
WKRC Cincinnati, OH O K)odel R)adio C)ompany
WKZO Kalamazoo, MI L K)alamaz)o)o, Michigan
WLAC Nashville, TN O L)ife A)and C)asualty Insurance Co.
WLAV Grand Rapids, MI O L)eonard A). V)erslius
WLBL Auburndale, WI S W)isconsin, L)and of B)eautiful L)akes
WLDB Atlantic City, NJ O L)eroy & D)orothy B)remer
now WUSS
WLDS Jacksonville, IL S L)incoln D)ouglas S)tation
WLER(FM) Butler, PA L Butl)e)r). PA
[FM sister of WBUT]
WLIB New York, NY L L)i)b)erty Bank Building
[original location]
WLIP Kenosha, WI O W)illiam L)i)p)man
[Former Owner]
WLIR(FM) Garden City, NY S L)ong I)sland R)adio
now WDRE(FM)
WLIS Old Saybrook, CT L L)ong I)sland S)ound
WLJN Traverse City S L)ord J)esus' N)ame
WLLH Lawrence, MA L L)awerence L)owell H)averhill, MA
WLOL Minneapolis, MN L L)and O)f L)akes
now KSJN
WLOU Louisville, KY L L)o)u)isville, KY
WLOX Biloxi, MS L Bil)o)x)i
WLRH(FM) Huntsville, AL O L)ibrary R)adio H)untsville
(public station founded by public library)
WLS Chicago, IL S W)orld's L)argest S)tore
WLS Chicago, IL S W)orlds L)argest S)tore
[once owned by Sears]
WLUM West Allis, WI S W)e L)ove You) M)ilwaukee
WLUP Chicago, IL E The L)u)p)
[Loop-Central Part of Chicago]
WLW Cincinnati, OH S W)e L)ove W)attage
[once 500 kw!]
WLYC Williamsport, PA L L)y)c)oming County
WMAD Sun Prairie, WI L M)a)d)ison
[Licensed to suburban Madison]
WMAL Washington, DC O M). A). L)eese Co.
WMAZ Macon, GA S W)atch M)ercer A)ttain Z)enith
[Licensed to Mercer University]
WMBD Peoria, IL S W)orld's M)ost B)eautiful D)rive
WMBH Joplin, MO S W)here M)emories B)ring H)appiness
WMBI Chicago, IL O M)oody B)ible I)nstitute
WMBN Petoskey, MI L M)ichigan's B)eautiful N)orth
WMC Memphis, TN O M)emphis C)ommercial-Appeal
Origins Release 7: Page 14
WMCA New York, NY O Hotel McA)lpine
WMCW Harvard, IL S M)ilk C)enter
WMDO Wheaton, MD E M)und)o)=World
WMFO(FM) Medford, MA L M)edf)o)rd
WMGK Philadelphia, PA E MGK="Magic"
WMID Atlantic City, NJ O M)i)d) Atlantic Broadcasting Co.
WMJC Smithtown, NY E MJC=Magic
WMJX Boston, MA E MJX=Magic
WMJX(FM) Boston, MA S M)a)gic One Oh Six)
WMMR Philadelphia, PA O M)etrom)edia R)adio
WMMS Cleveland, OH O M)etrom)edia S)tereo
WMOR Morehead, KY L Mor)ehead, KY
WMPS Memphis, TN O M)emphis P)ress-S)cimitar
[Newspaper] now WODZ, formerly WRVR(AM)
WMRO Aurora, IL O M)artin R). O)'Brien
WMSL Decatur, AL O M)utual S)avings L)ife Insurance
now WAVD
WMSR Manchester, TN L M)anches)ter), TN
WMUS Muskegon,MI L M)U)S)kegon, MI
WMUU Greenville, SC O W)orld's M)ost U)nusual U)niversity
[Bob Jones University]
WNAH Nashville, TN L Na)sh)ville, TN
WNAV Annapolis, MD L N)a)v)al Academy in Annapolis
WNBH New Bedford, MA L N)ew B)edford H)arbor
WNBY Newberry,MI L N)ewB)errY), MI
WNCN(FM) New York, NY O N)ew York C)oncert N)etwork
WNDE Indianapolis, IN E NDE=Indy
WNDU South Bend, IN O N)otre D)ame U)niversity
WNEB Worcester, MA O N)ew E)ngland B)roadcasting
WNEW New York, NY L N)e)w) York
WNFL Green Bay, WI S N)ational F)ootball L)eague
WNIC Detroit, MI E NIC=Nice
WNLC New London, CT L N)ew L)ondon C)onneticut
WNLK Norwalk, CT L N)orwal)k), CT
WNMU Marquette, MI O N)orthern M)ichigan U)niversity
WNNJ Newton, NJ L N)ewton N)ew J)ersey
WNNO Wisconsin Dells, WI F N)ine N)ine O)h
[Former Frequency]
WNOE New Orleans, LA O James A. Noe)
WNOR Norfolk, VA L Nor)folk, VA
WNOV Milwaukee, WI S W)isconsin's N)egroes' O)wn V)oice
WNOX Knoxville, TN L Kn)o)x)ville, TN
now WIVK(AM)
WNQM Nashville, TN S N)ashville Q)uality M)inistries
WNTR Silver Spring, MD S N)ews-T)alk R)adio
WNWS Miami, FL S N)ew)s)-Talk
WNYC New York, NY L N)ew Y)ork C)ity
WNYE New York, NY O N)ew Y)ork Board of E)ducation
WOC Davenport, IA S W)orld O)of Chiropractic
[Palmer School]
WOCN Miami, FL E OCN=Ocean
WODS(FM) Boston, MA S O))d)ies) 103
Origins Release 7: Page 15
WOLS Florence, SC O O). L)ee S)tone
WOMC(FM) Detroit, MI L W)ayne O)akland & M)acomb Counties
WOND Pleasantville, NJ S W)o)n)d)erful Music
WONE Dayton, OH O Group O)n)e) Broadcasting
WOOD Grand Rapids, MI L Wood, primary material in furniture making
WORC Worcester, MA L Worc)ester, MA
WOSU Columbus, OH O O)hio S)tate U)niversity
WOW Omaha, NE O W)oodmen O)f the W)orld Insurance Co.
WOWO Ft. Wayne, IN S Ft. W)ayne O)ffers W)onderful
WPAD Paducah, KY L Pad)ucah, Kentucky
WPAT Paterson, NJ L Pat)erson, NJ
WPBC Bangor, ME O P)enobscot B)roadcasting C)ompany
WPBR Palm Beach, FL L P)alm B)each R)adio
WPCH(FM) Atalanta, GA E PCH=Peach
WPDR Portage, WI O P)ortage D)aily R)egister
WPEN Philadelphia, PA O William Pen)n Broadcasting
WPEO Peoria, IL L Peo)ria, IL
WPFR(FM) Terre Haute, IN O P)aul F)ord R)adio
WPGC(FM) Morningside, MD L P)rince G)eorges C)ounty, MD
WPHM Port Huron, MI L P)ort H)uron, M)ichigan
WPIX(FM) New York, NY E PIX=Picture
[Daily News-NY's Picture Newspaper] now
WPLJ New York, NY S W)hite P)ort & L)emon J)uice
[old R & B song]
WPLM Plymouth, MA L Pl)ym)outh, MA
WPLM Plymouth, MA L P)l)ym)outh
WPNA Oak Park, IL O P)olish N)ational A)lliance
WPNH Plymouth, NH L P)lymouth, N)H)
WPOM Riveria Beach, FL E POM=Palm
[suburb of W. Palm Beach]
WPON Pontiac, MI L P)o)n)tiac
WPRB(FM) Princeton, NJ O P)rinceton R)adio B)roadcasting
WPRO Providence, RI L Pro)vidence, Rhode Island
WPSE Erie, PA O P)enn S)tate, E)rie
WPTF Raleigh, NC S W)e P)rotect T)he F)amily
WPTR Albany, NY O P)at)r)oon Broadcasting Co.
WPZA Ann Arbor, MI O P)iz)za)
[Owned by Domino's Pizza]
WQBA Miami, FL E QBA=Cuba
[Spanish format]
WQBH Detroit, MI S Q)ueen's B)ack H)ome
[Martha Jean, known as the Gospel Queen,
formerly of WJLB]
WQCY Quincy, IL L Q)uinc)y), IL
WQQQ Easton, PA CF QQQ=99.9 mHz
WQSV Ashland City, TN L W)onderful Q)uaint S)ycamore V)alley
WQXR New York, NY E W2XR
[Derived from Experimental Call]
WRBQ Tampa, FL O R)alph B)eavers (Chief Engineer)
WRC Washington, DC O R)adio C)orporation of America
[RCA] now WWRC
Origins Release 7: Page 16
WRCA New York, NY O R)adio C)orporation of A)merica
now WFAN [formerly WNBC (again), WRCA,
WRCN(FM) Riverhead, NY O R)iverhead C)oncert N)etwork
WRDU(FM) Wilson, NC L R)aleigh-D)u)rham, NC
WREC Memphis, TN O W)ooten R)adio and E)lectric C)ompany
WREK(FM) Atlanta, GA E WREK="Wreck"
[Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech]
WREO Ashtabula, OH O R)adio E)nterprises of O)hio
now WFUN
WRJC Mauston, WI L R)adio J)uneau C)ounty
WRKO Boston, MA O RKO)-General Broadcasting
WRKT Cocoa Beach, FL L R)ock)et)
[Cape Canaveral is nearby]
WRKY(FM) Steubenville, OH E RKY=Rocky
WRNL Richmond, VA O R)ichmond N)ews-L)eader
WROA Gulfport, MS S W)onderful R)ivera O)f A)merica
[Miss. Gulf Coast]
WROC Rochester, NY L R)o)c)hester
now WPXY(AM) [calls on TV channel 8]
WROK Rockford, IL L R)o)ck)ford, IL
WRSU New Brunswick, NJ O R)utgers, S)tate U)niversity
WRTP Chapel Hill, NC L R)esearch T)riangle P)ark
WRUF Gainesville, FL O R)adio: U)niversity of F)lorida
WRVA Richmond, VA L R)ichmond V)irginiA)
WRVR(FM) Memphis, TN L R)iv)er) City
WSAU Wausau, WI L Waus)a)u), WI
WSB Atlanta, GA S W)elcome S)outh, B)rother
WSBC Chicago, IL O W)orld S)torage B)attery C)ompany
WSBT South Bend, IN O S)outh B)end T)ribune
WSDM-FM Chicago,IL S S)mack D)ab in M)iddle
[of FM dial at 97.9] now WLUP-FM
WSGW Saginaw, MI L S)aG)inaW), MI
WSIX Nashville, TN O Six) Thirty-Eight Tire Co.
[Former Owner]
WSJM St. Joseph, MI L S)t. J)oseph, M)ichigan
WSJM St. Joseph,MI L S)t. J)oseph, M)ichigan
WSJS Winston-Salem, NC O W)inston-S)alem J)ournal S)tation
WSLB Ogdensburg, NY O S)t. L)awrence B)roadcasting Co.
WSLI Jackson, MS O S)tandard L)ife I)nsurance Co.
WSLS Roanoke, VA O S)henadoah L)ife S)tation
now WSLC
WSLV Ardmore, TN L S)tate L)ine V)oice
[Borders Alabama]
WSM Nashville, TN S W)e S)hield M)illions
WSMB New Orleans, LA O S)aenger Amusement-M)aison B)lanche
WSMM Sault Ste. Marie L S)ault Ste. M)arie, M)ichigan
now WYSS
WSOC Charlotte, NC S S)ounds O)f C)harlotte
WSPA Spartanburg, SC L Spa)rtanburg, South Carolina
Origins Release 7: Page 17
WSPD Toledo, OH E SPD="Speedy"
[Speedee Oil Co.]
WSPD Toledo, OH O S)p)eed)y Oil Company
WSPR Springfield, MA L Spr)ingfield, MA
WSSH(FM) Lawrence, MA S WSSH=Wish
WSTC Stamford, CT S S)tamford T)own C)hannel
WSTV Steubenville, OH L St)eubenv)ille, OH
WSUB Groton, CT L S)u)b)marines based in Groton-New London
WSUI Iowa City, IA O S)tate U)niversity of I)owa
WSVA Harrisonburg, VA L S)henandoah Valley of V)irginiA)
WSWT(FM) Peoria, IL E SWT="Sweet"
[BM/EZ Format}
WSYB Rutland, VT S W)e S)erve Y)ou B)est
WTAG Worcester, MA O W)orcester T)elegram a)nd G)azette
WTAW College Station, TX S W)atch T)exas A)ggies W)in
[Texas A&M]
WTBS(FM) Boston, MA O T)ech B)roadcasting S)ervice
[owned by MIT] [now used by Ted Turner]
WTCM Traverse City L T)raverse C)ity M)ichigan
WTIC Hartford, CT O T)ravelers I)nsurance C)ompany
WTIQ Manistique,MI L ManisT)I)Q)ue, MI
WTJS Jackson, TN O T)he J)ackson S)un
WTKN Daleville, AL S W)e're T)alk)in)
(Talk Radio)
WTLC(FM) Indianapolis, IN S W)ith T)ender L)oving C)are
WTMC Ocala, FL S W)elcome T)o M)arion C)ounty
WTMJ Milwaukee, WI O T)he M)ilwaukee J)ournal
WTMP Tampa, FL L T)am)p)a, FL
WTNJ(FM) Mt. Hope, WV O T)ony Gonzales & N)ick J)oe Rahall
WTOD Toledo, OH S W)e're T)op o)f the D)ial
[1560 kHz]
WTRC Elkhart, IN O T)ruth R)adio C)ompany
WTRL Bradenton, FL O T)r)ail) Broadcasting
[located near the Tamiami Trail]
WTSB Lumberton, NC S W)here T)obacco S)ells B)est
WTSO Madison, WI F T)en S)even O)h
[Frequency of 1070 kHz]
WTUP Tupelo, MS L T)u)p)elo, MS
WUPQ Newberry, MI L U)pper P)eninsula
WUST Bethesda, MD L U). S)t)reet
[Famous DC Street in minority
WVCG Coral Gables, FL L V)oice of C)oral G)ables
WVET Rochester, NY O V)eterans B)roadcasting C)orp.
now WPXY(AM)
WVLK Lexington, KY S V)oice of L)exington K)entucky
WVNJ(AM) Newark, NJ S V)oice of N)ew J)ersey
now WSKQ(AM) and WHTZ(FM)
WVOL Berry Hill, TN S V)o)l)unteer
[State Slogan]
Origins Release 7: Page 18
WVOV Huntsville, AL S V)oice O)f the V)alley
now WTAK
WVOY Charlevoix, MI L CharleV)O)Y), MI
WVUD(FM) Kettering, OH O V)oice of the U)niversity of D)ayton
WWLP-TV Springfield, MA O W)illiam L). P)utnam
[original owner]
WWNC Asheville, NC L W)estern N)orth C)arolina
WWNR Beckley, WV S W)in W)ith N)ick R)ahall
[Congressman owned station]
WWRL New York, NY O W)oodside R)adio L)abs
[Woodside, LI]
WWSW Pittsburgh, PA O W)illiam S). W)alker
WWTC Minneapolis, MN L T)win C)ities
WWVA Wheeling, WV L W)heeling W)est V)irginiA)
WXVI Montgomery, AL F XVI=16
[1600 kHz]
WYBC(FM) New Haven, CT O Y)ale B)roadcasting C)ompany
WYLO Jackson, WI F W)ay) L)o)w
[Frequency of 540 kHz]
WZGC(FM) Atlanta, GA O G)eneral C)inema
WZNL Norway,MI S Z)ephyr Broadcasting's N)orthern L)ights
XERB Tijuana, BC L R)osarito B)each, BC
[Original City of License] now XEPRS
Origins Release 7: Page 19